Register to Bossa Nova Guitar Lessons

If you have not already registered, the above link will take you to the login/registration page. Registration may be completed in two ways:

The first way is to click on Register link on the login/registration page in which case you will need to enter all the required fields manually. Please make sure that you enter your email address correctly as that address will be used for further communication. Also please enter your Skype account name or SIP address for video conference as well as your Timezone.

The second way is to login directly with your Google or Facebook account by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the login/registratin page. Once you are logged in, the profile page will be accessible from the top level menu My Account -> Profile. If you proceed this way please update your profile with the following:

  • Skype or SIP account details
  • Timezone (important for correct scheduling)
  • When you register you'll become entitled to one free of charge introductory lesson. After introductory lesson is complete you will receive a voucher to book your next lesson. Only after that second lesson completes you will be expected to pay something to our PayPal account.

    After succsessful registration you'll receive a welcome email with further instructions. This mail will contain 'Transaction ID' that you need in order to book your introductory lesson. This ID can be used only once and only for the introductory lesson.

    Please continue to the next chapter to see how to book introductory lesson.

    Disclaimer: The tabs found on this site do not represent official versions of the songs. All songs are transcribed by Bossa Nova Guitar and we are not claiming to have written either the chords or the lyrics to these songs. These files simply represent our interpretation of the music and are in no other way related to the original or any subsequent version of the song that we have transcribed. We can therefore not guarantee that any of the bossa nova chords or lyrics on this site are correct. You may only use these tabs for private study, scholarship, or research. You may not use these transcripts to perform this music publicly or in any form sell them or make money from them. We shall not be considered responsible for any unauthorized use of what is published in these pages. Please read the Privacy Statement.

    Bossa Nova GuitarTM, 1998-2017.