Advanced Bossa Nova Phrase 0000

The simplest of all single beat phrases doesn't contain the sequence of beats at all, but just a single beat played on all main beats within the phrase. This phrase is by no means special to bossa nova, but since it is sometimes used, we include it here for the sake of completeness.


Using Bossa Nova Guitar numbering scheme the resulting phrase is described as 0000. This phrase is usually performed in samba by surdo drums, while in bossa nova guitar playing it is almost exclusively used in song transitions (bridges) or song openings and closings. We present it here in Linda Flor as played by João Gilberto in recording he did with Maria Bethânia and released on her album Canto do Paje from 1991.


This phrase has also been used in early bossa nova recordings by João Gilberto including Presente de Natal, Brigas Nunca Mais as well as in Luiz Bonfá's first recording of Manha de Carnaval with vocals by Elizeth Cardoso, made for the Black Orpheus movie in 1959, while in the cut-out form the half of this phrase (00) appears more often in the construction of other advanced phrases. This will be covered later in this section.

Disclaimer: The tabs found on this site do not represent official versions of the songs. All songs are transcribed by Bossa Nova Guitar and we are not claiming to have written either the chords or the lyrics to these songs. These files simply represent our interpretation of the music and are in no other way related to the original or any subsequent version of the song that we have transcribed. We can therefore not guarantee that any of the bossa nova chords or lyrics on this site are correct. You may only use these tabs for private study, scholarship, or research. You may not use these transcripts to perform this music publicly or in any form sell them or make money from them. We shall not be considered responsible for any unauthorized use of what is published in these pages. Please read the Privacy Statement.

Bossa Nova GuitarTM, 1998-2017.